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CSAW CTF 2012 Yoda writeup

category Hacking


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key{hockey lock outs mean probably april}

15:24 < qd22d> what do with  Yoda (
15:29 < Yoda_Pizza> give yoda a soda & he will give you the flag & a poda
15:30 < airmack> Yoda_Pizza: who is this yoda you are talking about?
15:30 < [UCF]User> airmack: perfect
15:30 < AFK_Grok_UAF> little green guy airmack.
15:31 < [UCF]User> force n shit
15:31 < WhizzMan> with pointy ears
15:31 < Yoda_Pizza> horce force
15:31 < [UCF]User> web300 horse force
15:32 < maK-> airmack: lolt

created on 30. September 2012